Sheri Dew (former General Relief Society President and President of Deseret Book)
This is a subject that I have been thinking a lot about. I realize that not all women in the church feel this way (that men and women are equal). It makes me sad...and I'll admit, at first, angry. I struggled with it and stewed over it. I didn't like feeling that way, but I did. It was a journey and took a while but I've come to understand that we are all children of God and he loves those struggling with this issue just as much as he loves me. His love is infinite. And I should strive to make mine more infinite.
And this experience also helped me realize a great gift that I have been blessed with. I have been blessed with parents who never made me feel less as a person just because I am a female or that I couldn't do just as much as anyone else (And now realize with sadness that not all women were raised this way).
I have a great testimony of the power of the priesthood which I love immensely. I also have a very strong testimony in both personal revelation and our living prophet today President Monson.
I have a great testimony of the power of the priesthood which I love immensely. I also have a very strong testimony in both personal revelation and our living prophet today President Monson.
A couple of Saturday's ago our stake Relief Society had the great opportunity to have our General Relief Society President Linda K Burton come and speak to us. It was a wonderful experience, and one of the many things that I took from that meeting was the testimony that Sister Burton has of the General Authorities and their love and admiration for the women of the church and how much they are aware of us and pray for us. I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.