I celebrated my 27 birthday last week! I took each of my loved ones on dates to celebrate! Joseph and I went to the arcade, played games, earned tickets and got a prize....and he was so thoughtful and got something for Rylee as well! Then we went to the creamery and had donuts. It was so much fun. His favorite game was the ball toss game. I also took Rylee to the arcade...I was going to take her swimming but when she heard what Joseph and I were doing she insisted on going to the arcade too. While we were there a sweet couple on a date gave us their tickets... 600 to be exact! So we were able to make out with gifts for everyone and some treats! Then we went and got donuts together as well. Cody and I had our dear neighbors watch the kids while we went bowling..... and I whipped Cody's butt! Okay...so we played two games... Cody won the first and I won the second time. Then we went and got blizzards at DQ. I know! SO many treats! Although I have to say I did my cake a little differently. Our dear neighbors the Willman's invited us over our first day we moved in (we moved within our ward so we already knew the Willman's) It was her birthday dinner and for her cake she had pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream! I loved it so much I copied! No ice cream and no frosting! which is like a huge thing for me! :) It was a really good birthday! Thank you family for making it possible!

I got two new shoes....thank heavens. Having size 11 feet is a curse. I can only really find shoes my size at Walmart and Target. These were both from Target. I desperately needed them! |
Okay. so buying pens is a little silly. But I found these beautiful ones at the dollar store and couldn't resist. Now... I just need to do a LOT of writing to make it worth it. :) |
Two of my favorite Juvenile books! I had to own them. I found them for super cheap online and now I can flip through them whenever I want! :) |
The biggest present - A Juicer! My baby! I am so excited for this. Freshly juiced apples are great! Starting soon we are going to start a 10 day juicing fast! Crazy i know. I watched an awesome documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and we are inspired to try it out ourselves. :) I will document day by day when I start. |
I have been wanting this duvet since last year! I love it. I knew exactly what i wanted to do with our room when I saw this...I usually have a hard time knowing what to do decoration wise, but this duvet inspired me! :) |