Monday, January 28, 2013

Jillian: The Student

The Schedule for the week!
One of my teacher's graciously provided estimated times each assignment should take.
(by the way reading Chapter 4 is taking a lot longer than 70min!)
My Child Development class is divided into five  2 and a half week long units. 
All of the assignments are due the last day of the unit. 
The first "due date" is this Wednesday.
I didn't really pace myself well this first unit. 
I am really overwhelmed with trying to stay caught up.
Regardless it is still very interesting. 
One the most interesting things that I have learned so far?
A sensory phenomenon where people actually see certain numbers and letters in different colors
There are other kinds of synesthesia, like tasting flavors or seeing colors when you hear certain tones. 
Crazy, huh?
Do any of you have this? 
Just curious because I think that seeing numbers and words in color or when you hear music would be a wonderfully amazing way to see life!
By the way, Stevie Wonder?
He was a Synesthete. 

Psych 111
[70min] Read Chapter 4
[20min] Take Chapter 4 Quiz
[90min] Read ”There’s Something Here”
Answer questions
[30min] 8pm – Office Hours
Turn in Class Meeting Report
Finish up Child 210 assignments!
[60min]  by 8pm Perception and Sensation Essay
[60min] “Scientific American” Discussion Board
[80min] Group Discussion Board
 [60min] Field Experiment
[70min] Prepare and take Lesson 3 Exam
Review Next Week’s Assignments

Child 210
Finish Observation’s in Development
Finish Reflection Journals
Finish Reflection Journals
Dear Abby Responses
Finish Dear Abby Responses
Chapter 5 Fact or Fiction
Read Chapter 5
Chapter 5 reading check
Chapter 5 Journal Entries
Collaborative Quest
Finish Weeks assignments