Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Aquarium and Robles Family

Nathan and Nina and  kids came to visit a week and a half ago. I was very bad and didn't take a lot of pictures.
We were so glad to have them come though, We love it when family comes to visit...*nudge nudge - to anyone who wants to come* I know we aren't the most energetic and busy kind but we still love to see our family...since we are so deprived of family living near us! (Seriously, though, someone needs to move here....and soon!) Anyways back to Robles Ruckus!
We let all the kids sleep in one room, which I am seriously wondering what made us so crazy to think that would work! No, the kids had a lot of fun... maybe too much fun, they had a hard time going to sleep. SO much so that both Joseph and Rylee fell asleep in their classes on Sunday! Rylee curled up in a corner in Nursery and Joesph asleep in Primary exercises with only half of his body on the chair  The primary president said she took a picture...I need to get it from her! I digress again.
We adults had a good time while the kids were shut away at night just talking (my favorite) and watching silliness on the computer and eating too much junk food while trying to keep it a secret from the kids so we wouldn't have to share.
The highlight for sure was the Aquarium (check off a summer bucket list!). This is actually the only time I took pictures. We got to the aquarium and realized we couldn't take in outside food or drink. It was a cold day so we took Nathan and Nina's van to a corner of the parking lot and took out all the chairs and ate inside the van! Fun memory!
I'm am super excited for next year too because the Aquarium will be moving to a new location and a better building that was actually made for an aquarium (Where it's at now used to be a grocery store) But it was still really nice actually.
The first thing we saw was the sharks... the boys loved that. And we got to pet some fish. The penguins were cute! And I got a kick out of the eel tank... they had two silver balls that if you touch them you would get an idea of what it was like to be shocked by an eel. or you could also hold hands with someone and make a circuit of electricity.
We also shot balloons with a sling shot and we took family pictures on Sunday morning before they left.
Cody is in the process of editing them. It wasn't the best time to take pictures. We were all squinting in the sun. And I'm not sure we found the greatest spot to take pictures. Although Nathan and Nina's family pictures turned out cute and Nathan and Nina took couples pictures and they are just so darn cute together they must have practice at getting their pictures together because they turned out so cute! Ours..not so much. Not because of Nathan (who took our pictures) but because of the sun and I really didn't like what we were wearing. lame I know. But so it is. We were sad to see them leave (You didn't even say goodbye!:() it's okay we forgive you. And we hope we can get together again soon

Look out!


I didn't realize that Emperors were so big!
